Now’s the time to get your kids (and yourself!) back on a good sleep schedule to help ease the adjustment to the start of school. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends:
- 10-13 hours (including naps) for children ages 3-5
- 9-12 hours for children ages 6-12
- 8-10 hours for teens ages 13-18
Adequate sleep, say the pediatricians, leads to improved attention, behavior, learning, memory, emotional regulation, quality of life, and mental and physical health. Not getting enough sleep each night is associated with an increase in injuries, hypertension, obesity and depression, especially for teens who may experience increased risk of self-harm or suicidal thoughts.
In addition to these recommendations, the AAP suggests that all screens be turned off 30 minutes before bedtime and that TV, computers and other screens not be allowed in children’s bedrooms.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine offer a holistic perspective to maintaining good health by balancing energies within the body. Pediatric treatment includes a close examination of each child’s unique constitution and a treatment plan that includes family involvement. Children often sit on their parent’s laps while receiving acupuncture treatment and generally enjoy their sessions! And Chinese medicine can help treat a variety of conditions including insomnia, frequent ear infections and low immunity/frequent colds.
After reviewing 60 years of research, the American Academy of Pediatrics deems acupuncture “generally safe for children when performed by appropriately trained practitioners.” Furthermore, says an informative article from Psychology Today, “The use of acupuncture to treat medical issues from colic to ADHD in children is gaining popularity.” (Click here to read the entire piece, and more about pediatric acupuncture, on our website.)
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