In Chinese medicine, diet and food choices are the most important actions we can take to maintain
balance and health. Here are some tips for healthy eating!
1. Eat vegetables mostly cooked or gently steamed. An excessive amount of raw vegetables can
weaken the digestive qi.
2. Drink room temperatures or warm beverages in an attempt to keep the digestive qi warm.
3. Do not drink and eat at the same time. Be sure to focus on drinking water between meals so
that the digestive qi isn’t overworked.
4. Avoid cows milk dairy products. Dairy products have the tendency to create damp-phlegm in
the body, which can contribute to a wide variety of imbalances ranging from digestive trouble to sinus congestion.
5. Moderation. Its ok to occasionally having cravings and indulge in something rich/salty/sweet,
etc. Just as yin and yang is the law of nature, enjoying indulgent foods in moderation is important.
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