We often have patients come into clinic with multiple concerns. Digestion issues are frequently part of a complex of symptoms. Many erroneously think acupuncture is only used for pain. Chinese medicine however, is a full body medicine and can help improve digestion by gently supporting the body to … [Read more...] about Acupuncture can Help with Digestion Problems
Acupuncture for Cancer Support
The side effects of chemotherapy and/or radiation can leave a person feeling completely depleted emotionally and physically. In addition, the side effects are different for everyone depending on the type of treatment and a person’s baseline strength. In the clinic, we see a significant number of … [Read more...] about Acupuncture for Cancer Support
Eating for Health in the Summer
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), eating according to the seasons is the best way to keep our bodies in balance. Summer is the season that most affects the energy of our heart and small intestines. It is the Fire element which is strong, energetic and in most areas of the world, is … [Read more...] about Eating for Health in the Summer
Pantry Staples to Keep on Hand During the Winter Months
When temperatures drop to freezing outside, running to the grocery store can quickly fall to the bottom of your to-do list. When that happens, you want to be confident that you can create a few healthy meals with what you already have on hand. During the winter months, you want to … [Read more...] about Pantry Staples to Keep on Hand During the Winter Months
Preserving your Digestion with Traditional Chinese Medicine
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi energy is our life force and gives life to our body. Every organ has qi and oversees different body functions. At times, one or more organ systems get out of balance. The Spleen qi, which oversees our digestion, gets weakened over time. When our Spleen Qi is … [Read more...] about Preserving your Digestion with Traditional Chinese Medicine
New Year’s Black-Eyed Peas Recipe
Download New Year's Black-Eyed Peas Recipe (PDF) Are you keeping your holidays sweet and joyful? This time of the year is supposed to be nothing but joyfulness. In addition to the positive vibes, this is the perfect time of the year for deliciousness! We have something savory and tasty for you to … [Read more...] about New Year’s Black-Eyed Peas Recipe