We often have patients come into clinic with multiple concerns. Digestion issues are frequently part of a complex of symptoms. Many erroneously think acupuncture is only used for pain. Chinese medicine however, is a full body medicine and can help improve digestion by gently supporting the body to … [Read more...] about Acupuncture can Help with Digestion Problems
Finding Balance When the World Seems Out of Balance.
For each new year, we often set health-related goals. We want to eat better, exercise more, balance our lives, and try to behave in a kinder way in our world. When we strive for balance, we don’t often think about balancing our physical health and our emotional health. We tend to focus on the … [Read more...] about Finding Balance When the World Seems Out of Balance.
What Does Your Heart Desire? TCM and the Heart Organ System
The heart as emperor lives well protected at the center of the nation. No injury must come to the heart and as long as the heart’s function is intact, there is always hope of healing. Nei Jing Su Wen In Traditional Chinese medicine, the Heart organ system is likened to a benevolent, … [Read more...] about What Does Your Heart Desire? TCM and the Heart Organ System
Singing Bowls & Acupuncture evening with Monica Mae Leibson
~ Heal with your community ~ Join Monica Mae Leibson & Lisa Hillary J for this amazing night! Get your vibe on with singing bowls & your healing on with acupuncture. A brief educational piece will address how acupuncture can positively impact you & your health. ~ Heal with your … [Read more...] about Singing Bowls & Acupuncture evening with Monica Mae Leibson
Reset 2022: A Prayer of Gratitude For The New Year
2021...... What. A. Year. It’s hard to believe that the end of 2021 is upon us. COVID-19 has brought truly unprecedented times that no one could imagine. Seemingly overnight, the world as we knew it changed. Age, wealth, race, religion, politics and all the things that make us who we are as … [Read more...] about Reset 2022: A Prayer of Gratitude For The New Year
When the Healer Needs Healing
One day, while living in Houston, I was eagerly picking Satsuma oranges off the drooping branches of a tree in my backyard. I was excited to bring a big bowl of fruit to the office to give to patients. I had my arms full with harvest while walking over to put the oranges into a nearby bag. Without … [Read more...] about When the Healer Needs Healing