Many people hear about using acupuncture to help with addiction and smoking cessation. As acupuncturists, we’re asked how exactly acupuncture can be used to attain this goal. There are many different facets to treating addiction and one of the most powerful tools we use in acupuncture is the NADA … [Read more...] about Acupuncture for Smoking Cessation
Integrative Approach to Menopause!
Menopause and peri-menopause are natural occurring processes which take place when the secretion of estrogen and progesterone in our body diminishes. As a result, menstrual cycles become irregular and eventually stop. Menopause becomes “official” when a woman has not had a cycle for one year. … [Read more...] about Integrative Approach to Menopause!
Summer Health Newsletter from Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine
Ask The Naturopath... Hi Dr. Quinn – I am concerned about the toxicity of sunscreens. Would you shed some light on this subject?The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has recently reviewed the dangers of sunscreen. Most commercially available sunscreens contain two major toxic chemicals; … [Read more...] about Summer Health Newsletter from Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine
The Gut & Immune System Connection
I recently held a seminar with Dr. George Nicoloff, who is board certified in Integrative Holistic Medicine. We were so excited to have over 60 people attend! We agreed to speak on the connection between the gut & immune system, as we know how deeply interwoven they are. We shared a lot of … [Read more...] about The Gut & Immune System Connection
Monica Mae’s Best of 2013
2013 was a big year for our family because we welcomed our son, Myles, into the world. Before having my daughter I really didn’t know anything about children’s health and since having her, I’ve done additional training in pediatrics and alternative medicine. This time around, I implemented all my … [Read more...] about Monica Mae’s Best of 2013
Lessons Learned from “Proof Of Heaven” by Eben Alexander, MD
Eben Alexander’s memoir, Proof of Heaven, details his experience while in a coma for 8 days. The interesting twist of his memoir is that he was a neurosurgeon who completely dismissed his patients’ accounts of consciousness and existence beyond the physical world because the concept did not fit … [Read more...] about Lessons Learned from “Proof Of Heaven” by Eben Alexander, MD