We often have patients come into clinic with multiple concerns. Digestion issues are frequently part of a complex of symptoms. Many erroneously think acupuncture is only used for pain. Chinese medicine however, is a full body medicine and can help improve digestion by gently supporting the body to … [Read more...] about Acupuncture can Help with Digestion Problems
Male Infertiility – An Integrative Approach to Wellness
The journey to becoming parents is not always as simple and easy as it may appear on the surface. Although it is not often talked about, many couples have difficulty conceiving, for a variety of reasons. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), … [Read more...] about Male Infertiility – An Integrative Approach to Wellness
Acupuncture for Cancer Support
The side effects of chemotherapy and/or radiation can leave a person feeling completely depleted emotionally and physically. In addition, the side effects are different for everyone depending on the type of treatment and a person’s baseline strength. In the clinic, we see a significant number of … [Read more...] about Acupuncture for Cancer Support
Happy 4th of July!
Michigan Associates of Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine Wishes You a Happy 4th of July! … [Read more...] about Happy 4th of July!
Infertility – A Behind The Scenes Look At One Woman’s Journey to Pregnancy
One of our patients wrote a blog about their own infertility journey. She poignantly shared her experience and hope to be of help and service to others and to educate those who may not have had experience with infertility. It is March 13, 2023, about 10 days from when our due date was scheduled. … [Read more...] about Infertility – A Behind The Scenes Look At One Woman’s Journey to Pregnancy
Acupuncture for Urgent Care
Are you feeling out of Balance? Feeling run down and as if you are getting a cold? Have a stiff neck, sore low back or tight muscles? Suffer from allergies that are acting up? Under stress, feeling anxious or having a difficult time relaxing? … [Read more...] about Acupuncture for Urgent Care