In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi energy is our life force and gives life to our body. Every organ has qi and oversees different body functions. At times, one or more organ systems get out of balance. The Spleen qi, which oversees our digestion, gets weakened over time. When our Spleen Qi is weakened, we will often see poor digestion and food assimilation.
The most common symptom of spleen qi deficiency is fatigue (especially after eating), In addition, spleen qi deficiency may manifest with loose stools or diarrhea, pale complexion, cold hands and feet, easy bruising, craving sweets, and low blood pressure. As the spleen qi becomes weakened, fluid and food accumulate and turns into dampness – which, like a damp day, makes us feel heavy and sluggish. Once it accumulates, our digestive fire becomes impaired and further accumulation occurs. This becomes a vicious cycle with the spleen qi becoming too weak to transform and transport the dampness and the dampness keeps the spleen qi from recuperating its strength.
Foods to Avoid when our digestion is weakened.
- Avoid cold, chilled foods and beverages – especially right out of the refrigerator. Serve water and other beverages without ice – at room temperature.
- Avoid an excess amount of raw vegetables – especially in the winter/cooler months. Raw vegetables, when eaten, should be served at room temperature. Steam all vegetables that you may normally serve raw.
- Avoid damp creating foods; including dairy products and ice cream.
- Avoid fruit juices which have a high sugar content.
- Avoid Refined Carbohydrates such as white flour products. These simple starches are converted to glucose after ingestion and turn into sugars in our body.
- Avoid junk food, caffeine, tobacco, sodas and sweeteners.
Foods to Nourish the Spleen Qi
- Vegetables such as winter squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, turnips, leeks, onion, scallions, parsnips, yam, cabbage and beets.
- Grains and legumes such as millet, corn, brown rice, garbanzo beans, peas, black beans, lentil, oats, quinoa, spelt, brown rice and amaranth.
- Organic, hormone and mercury free beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, fish, eggs.
- Soups and stews are wonderful additions to the diet.
- Goat milk products.
- Fruits such as cherry, raisins, date, figs and apples.
- Sweeteners: stevia, rice syrup, molasses, barley malt, and cinnamon.
General Eating Tips
- Eat foods that are light and easy to digest.
- Take digestive enzymes with hard to digest meals.
- Do not drink beverages with meals.
- Reduce worry – excessive worry damages the spleen qi.
- Avoid eating late at night, over or under eating.
- Smell your food before you begin eating & chew food well
- Eat at regular intervals & in a calm atmosphere
- Add lemon or lime juice to drinking water.
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