Feeling stressed? A quick ear massage may be just the ticket.
Hold your thumb on the back side of the ear and your fingers on the front of your ear. Then pull from the inside to the outside. Do it as strongly as you feel comfortable with. The sensation may feel a little irritable to your ears, but that’s OK. This is actually a sign you are doing it right; it’s not meant to be super pleasant ;).
Another option is to rub the ear between the fingers and the thumb for about 30 seconds from the bottom of the lobe to the top.
Within another 10 seconds, the ear will start to feel hot and achy. Let yourself be still and breathe, and you will notice a serotonin release. This is because the innervation of the ear goes right to the brain. So this tool gets you out of the “fight or flight” mode of the nervous system and into rest and repair. This is a natural mechanism in the body that helps to calm you down.
You can do this any time and anywhere. There are no negative side effects and ear massage does not interact with any medication. Enjoy your natural state of bliss!
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