The past few weeks have been a time of self-reflection. Within a short span of time, I learned of an acquaintance who passed unexpectedly and attended the funeral of the father of a good friend. I also met with several returning patients who were diagnosed with a chronic, preventable health issue.
With 25 years of experience as an acupuncturist, I’ve had the privilege of meeting a diverse array of patients. Some of them proactively take charge of their health, reaching out for support when faced with challenges, whether it’s a lingering cold, digestive troubles, or persistent pain. These patients often experience remarkable results, as acupuncture becomes a vital partner in their healing journey.
Yet, I also encounter individuals who seek our help as a “last resort”—a sentiment many readily share. They may have neglected their well-being, become consumed by their busy lives, or postponed seeking assistance until it felt” too late.” Treating these patients can be more complex; their progress often takes longer, and their desired outcomes may seem elusive.
Trust me, we pour our hearts into helping every patient who walks through our door. Still, it can be disheartening to witness someone so far along their path of illness that acupuncture cannot produce the transformative changes it might have if they had sought help sooner.
We are a society that yearns for swift change but often take slow, hesitant steps toward it. We are filled with impatience while simultaneously craving the time to heal. We place high expectations on the medical system, yet we frequently neglect to nurture our own body, mind, and spirit in ways that would allow us to truly flourish.
I ask you: If not now, when? Now is the time to prioritize your health and well-being. Let’s take this step together. When you have a moment, write down your short- and long-term health goals. Be completely honest with yourself. Next to each goal, note what you are doing to work toward achieving it. Are you on the right track, or are you procrastinating? Set target dates for yourself to move toward achieving optimal health. Remember, healing is never a straight line, and there’s no better time than now to start on your journey.
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