I really don’t want to start off this blog with a reminder of how crazy things are at the moment. There’s plenty of information going around about boosting immunity, funny memes about social distancing and fear mongering about what the future will bring next. As a specialist in fertility, I can’t help but to see the world through the lens of gratitude and presence—concepts that I always encourage my patients to embrace. The universe is giving us all a gift to collectively practice these techniques! In the meantime, even though our clinic and fertility clinics are closed, many couples are continuing their already harrowing journey towards growing a family. As if this journey isn’t hard enough, now we have an additional fear (and obstacles) to contend with. The good news—and it is good news—is that Chinese medicine ideally focuses on PREPARING the body for conception. And THIS TAKES TIME! Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is not a quick, single use treatment. People often come for weekly acupuncture treatments as a means of rewiring the body towards health and balance. Although acupuncture isn’t available at the current moment, there are other (equally as important!) methods to be used to boost fertility.
DIET! DIET! DIET! I totally understand the urge to self soothe with food during these unsettling times. However, we truly ARE WHAT WE EAT. Moreover, diet is direct information for our bodies to regulate our hormones and support our health. There are no short cuts here. (Trust me, I know this on a first hand basis.) In TCM, we want to continue to support our digestion so that it can create healthy qi (energy) and blood. Think warm, cooked foods like soups, stews and stir fries. Organic vegetables should be included in most meals, and meat and seafood should be included as well. Drink plenty of room temperature or warm water and herbal teas. Limit or completely avoid processed sugar, caffeine, dairy, alcohol, tobacco and recreational drugs.
CHINESE HERBS: I often give my patients herbal formulas to use in conjunction with acupuncture treatments. I call it “homework”, as it’s something a person takes daily whereas we use acupuncture on a weekly basis. Chinese herbs are a beautiful way to support the body in a specific way to each person individually. (There’s no “one formula” for fertility!) They are taken as a means of regulating menstrual cycles and hormones, and typically take a few cycles to see a benefit. TCM practitioners all over the country are continuing to prescribe herbal formulas for their patients. (And we are doing the same in our office!)
CASTOR OIL PACKS: Castor oil is a folk remedy used topically for liver detoxification. I LOVE castor oil packs to aid in healthy blood flow to the uterus and ovaries. You can find specific directions on how to apply castor oil packs on YouTube. (Note: Castor oil packs should only be used from menstruation until ovulation.)
EXERCISE: The best way to move your own qi is to move your body. This doesn’t mean you have to run a marathon, but daily gentle movement is so important. Now as we’re staying home, how much less are you walking? Just think about how many steps you usually take just from your car to work or while running errands. Yoga, meditation and dance are accessible to most of us at home.
EMOTIONAL SUPPORT: Ah, this is the hard one. Anxiety is rampant these days for everyone. I don’t have any quick fix for this one, as I find this is a practice and you have to find something that works FOR YOU. Meditation? Reading? Journaling? Again, our office is offering tele-support, where we can schedule a chart. The best piece of advice I can offer here comes from the Broadway musical Avenue Q: “Except for death and paying taxes, everything in life is only for now”. Stay present and grateful! XO
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