I have often described myself as a biomechanical CranioSacral therapist. I am intrigued on how different structures and systems interrelate and create a well-oiled machine such as the human body.
One of the many conditions and complaints that I see is scoliosis. Scoliosis is described as a lateral (side to side) deviation in the spine. Often rotations can also be present with this condition. This ultimately creates mild to severe distortion in the spine and stature. This can create spinal pain, headaches, leg length discrepancies, and organ compression. Scoliosis most commonly begins in teenage years and can be injury related or idiopathic (unknown origin). Many propose that scoliosis is due to asymmetrical muscular and connective tissue tension that affect the spine and pelvis. Also, it has been suggested that it is due to improper cerebrospinal fluid circulation that creates the distortion. Lastly, in many cases it may be due to dysfunction in the feet and legs that disrupts gait and foundation to the spine. In all these possibilities, CranioSacral therapy would be an appropriate treatment.
In many and most cases, it is unlikely that CranioSacral therapy can reverse the scoliosis, especially if present after puberty. However, it is exceptional at balancing the tissues and fluids to support the spine and probably halt any further progression. By encouraging better symmetry in the spine and pelvis, improving cerebrospinal fluid circulation and addressing common adhesions on the spinal cord and spinal nerves, many persons note significant relief. If you wish to book an appointment, please contact us today.
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