Times are tough right now. Tensions across the country are at an all time high. We read about it in the news and across social media, we talk about it with others! Most importantly, we feel it. We feel it physically (neck and shoulder tension, jaw tightness, upset stomach, insomnia) … [Read more...] about Are you angry and frustrated? Read this!
Michigan Associates of Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine Wishes You a Happy Holidays
Riding the Hormonal Wave: The Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle
In Chinese Medicine, it’s all about creating balance. With the four stages of a woman’s cycle, the goal is to create a level of homeostasis within the shifts. That being said, a woman is naturally going to feel different both physically and emotionally in each of these four seasons. It’s very … [Read more...] about Riding the Hormonal Wave: The Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle
New Year’s Resolution Reboot
It’s hard to believe we are once again heading into the holiday season and looking forward to the start of a new year! Do you feel anticipation or resignation? Are you hopeful or concerned? It is certainly understandable if you’re not sure. When the world around us feels chaotic and unsettled, the … [Read more...] about New Year’s Resolution Reboot
Sunday Hours for Acupuncture!
Monica Mae Leibson will now be offering Sunday hours! Need a nervous system wind down? Digestive support? An immune tune up? Come in for Sunday tea, chill vibes + acupuncture … [Read more...] about Sunday Hours for Acupuncture!
Emotional Release Sessions – Getting support moving through stuck emotions
Emotional Release Sessions With Monica Mae Leibson, L. Ac. Over the 16 years I’ve been in clinical practice, I’ve seen people for a variety of physical medicine issues. The initial intake includes a lengthy review of medical history and at the end, I always check in with how people are … [Read more...] about Emotional Release Sessions – Getting support moving through stuck emotions