In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi energy is our life force and gives life to our body. Every organ has qi and oversees different body functions. At times, one or more organ systems get out of balance. The Spleen qi, which oversees our digestion, gets weakened over time. When our Spleen Qi is … [Read more...] about Preserving your Digestion with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Happy Mother’s Day
Michigan Associates of Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine wishes Happy Mother's Day to the mothers who integrate love and wisdom into their parenting. … [Read more...] about Happy Mother’s Day
How does acupuncture work!?
Considering I get this question every single time I see a new patient, I wanted to write it down.... Explanation # 1 - in TCM Terms: Through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is all about balance. The theory is that all the meridians in the body are balanced & … [Read more...] about How does acupuncture work!?
Are you angry and frustrated? Read this!
Times are tough right now. Tensions across the country are at an all time high. We read about it in the news and across social media, we talk about it with others! Most importantly, we feel it. We feel it physically (neck and shoulder tension, jaw tightness, upset stomach, insomnia) … [Read more...] about Are you angry and frustrated? Read this!
Michigan Associates of Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine Wishes You a Happy Holidays
Riding the Hormonal Wave: The Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle
In Chinese Medicine, it’s all about creating balance. With the four stages of a woman’s cycle, the goal is to create a level of homeostasis within the shifts. That being said, a woman is naturally going to feel different both physically and emotionally in each of these four seasons. It’s very … [Read more...] about Riding the Hormonal Wave: The Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle