The thought of meditation often brings cringes of resistance and images uncomfortably sitting, legs crossed, in a still position for long periods of time. Most people resist the idea of meditation because they cannot imagine themselves slowing down. We live in a world that is extremely … [Read more...] about Benefits of Meditation
The Magic of Midlife
More and more women are searching beyond modern medicine to an older, more holistic solution to managing their life cycles. Many women instinctively sense that changes in midlife are not a failure of our body, but a significant event that should be honored and valued. Many of the older … [Read more...] about The Magic of Midlife
The Impact of Integrated Medicine in Primary Care
I recently attended a symposium conducted by the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Michigan. This two day symposium was dedicated to updating physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants as well as a host of integrated medicine practitioners on research and … [Read more...] about The Impact of Integrated Medicine in Primary Care
Tai Chi
The practice of tai chi promotes the circulation of Qi (life energy/force) within the body. Tai chi developed in China in about the 12th century A.D. Although Tai chi started as self defense practice, it has become widely used for health purposes as well. Tai chi practitioners move their body in … [Read more...] about Tai Chi
Natural Treatments for Infertility
Over the last 20 years, we have become more aware of the many challenges couples face in getting pregnant. Individuals are marrying later in age and couples are waiting longer to have children. In addition, Environmental toxins and our own diet can have direct impact on our health and trying to … [Read more...] about Natural Treatments for Infertility
Acupuncture and Pain Management
Got Pain? Get Acupuncture! It may be hard to believe that the shallow insertion of very thin, disposable, stainless steel needles at selected acupuncture points on the body would actually reduce or eliminate pain. How could this be? The good news is, not only does acupuncture relieve pain, it is … [Read more...] about Acupuncture and Pain Management