Diet is just as important as acupuncture and herbs when it comes to treating the body from a traditional Chinese medical perspective. Making appropriate food choices is key in maintaing good balance. Individual foods, like Chinese herbs, have specific healing properties and this is the basis of … [Read more...] about Diet: A Chinese Medical Perspective
Yumana Body Rolling Class at Inspired Wellness in Birmingham
Saturday June 18th 8 am - to 9 am Access your deep core stabilizers using the amazing Yamuna BODY ROLLING Technique. This gentle and restorative experience will empower YOU to access your deep, innate stabilization system. Think self-guided massage and relief- ahh!! Using the Yamuna … [Read more...] about Yumana Body Rolling Class at Inspired Wellness in Birmingham
The “Business” of our water
As consumers, learning about our drinking water can be overwhelming. The business of water has perplexed many consumers who are wanting only what is best for themselves and their families. Most of us don’t have any idea of how water makes its way to our faucet and to bottles. According … [Read more...] about The “Business” of our water
The Heart Channel: The Emotional Perspective
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views the body in terms of energy and balance. Energy (qi) runs in channels throughout the body and these channels are named after organ that you have heard of before. However, from a TCM perspective, the organs function very differently than Western medicine. … [Read more...] about The Heart Channel: The Emotional Perspective
Create Your Village (for new parents and parents-to-be)
Join us on Wednesday June 8th 6-8:30 PM Providence Hospital 16001 W. Nine Mile Road at Greenfield Please join us for a free and informative birthing fair! Designed for new parents and expecting couples. Many great people will be present to meet and speak with. A great opportunity to … [Read more...] about Create Your Village (for new parents and parents-to-be)
What books do you recommend? Part II – A new local book!
The Best of Both Worlds - Natural Childbirth in a Hospital by Cynthia Gabriel. Cynthia Gabriel is a dynamic woman who is from Ann Arbor, MI. I was recently on a panel with her at the Providence Alternative Birthing Center. ( She was an … [Read more...] about What books do you recommend? Part II – A new local book!