I was a patient at Acupuncture Healthcare after the birth of my second child. I was experiencing low milk supply after many efforts to prevent it, both pre-nataly and post-nataly. I went to great efforts to boost my supply including; Lactation Consultant visits (pre and post natal), herbs (pre and … [Read more...] about How acupuncture can benefit breastfeeding: An encouraging testimonial
Healthy Gratitude
Happy Thanksgiving! The significance of Thanksgiving is different for everyone. For some, it’s a time to eat and spend time with family and friends. For others, it is simply a day off work and time to relax. No matter how you celebrate Thanksgiving, it is an opportunity to stand back from our … [Read more...] about Healthy Gratitude
AHA’s Fall Immunity-Support Tips
It’s happening. Kids have been in school for less than 2 months and already the bugs are beginning to fly—the stomach flu, the common cold, etc. And it’s barely even October! But don’t worry, it’s not too late to support your immune system. In fact, by adapting certain dietary and lifestyle … [Read more...] about AHA’s Fall Immunity-Support Tips
Effects of acupuncture during labor and delivery in a U.S. hospital setting: a case-control pilot study.
Citkovitz C, Klimenko E, Bolyai M, Applewhite L, Julliard K, Weiner Z. Source Department of Research, Lutheran Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY 11220, USA. CCitkovitz@lmcmc.com Abstract OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess clinical effects and logistical feasibility of … [Read more...] about Effects of acupuncture during labor and delivery in a U.S. hospital setting: a case-control pilot study.
Acupuncture works: Fibromyalgia and depression
What was your primary concern that brought you in for acupuncture treatment? I originally came in to see Monica Leibson for Fibromyalgia symptoms such as intense joint and back pain, exhaustion, and depression. What were the benefits you experienced from acupuncture, expected and … [Read more...] about Acupuncture works: Fibromyalgia and depression
Belly Breathing
When was the last time you thought to breathe? Breathing is an automatic body action that has some conscious control. Everyone knows how to breathe, right? Unfortunately not. Go ahead, try it. Sit up straight with your feet on the ground. Place one hand on your abdomen and the other on your … [Read more...] about Belly Breathing