Feeling stressed? A quick ear massage may be just the ticket. Hold your thumb on the back side of the ear and your fingers on the front of your ear. Then pull from the inside to the outside. Do it as strongly as you feel comfortable with. The sensation may feel a little irritable to your ears, … [Read more...] about Need Instant Relaxation? Try Ear Massage!
Eating for Emotional Support
Although not everyone falls victim to emotional eating, so many of us do! And more often than not, it tends to be foods that are NOT healthy. Chinese medicine tells us that our body tends to crave certain tastes depending on which energies are out of balance. For example, the spleen craves sweets, … [Read more...] about Eating for Emotional Support
Flower Essences: Natures Remedy
A number of years ago, while I was living in Chicago, I was going through a difficult and stressful time. I was in school for acupuncture, working full time and trying to manage the various aspects of my life. I was overwhelmed! It was during this time that a massage therapist told me about flower … [Read more...] about Flower Essences: Natures Remedy
Acupuncture and pain relief – a patient testimonial
I had been suffering from an incredible amount of stress due to being a full-time mom, full-time student and avid ballet dancer, when my 2 year son decided to jump on my back when I was not expecting him to. I was rushed into urgent care having to be carried like a baby due to my inability to stand … [Read more...] about Acupuncture and pain relief – a patient testimonial
Ask a Practitioner: How do you self-care after the hectic holiday season?
My self-care begins with creating a balanced schedule at work and at home. I keep up the activities that keep me healthy – exercise, acupuncture, healthy eating, sleep. I try not to deviate much from my regular self-care so that returning to them is no big deal. I don’t make many New Year’s … [Read more...] about Ask a Practitioner: How do you self-care after the hectic holiday season?
6 tips to fight the common cold
It’s inevitable. Seemingly everyone comes down with the common cold during the winter months. Conventional medicine has little to treat it and we all just suffer through the runny nose, sneezing, fatigue and “tickly” throat. But I don’t have time for that this year. In addition to having three … [Read more...] about 6 tips to fight the common cold