Acupuncture during Childbirth
The birth of a child is an opportunity for a unique & transformative experience.
Ways a Birth Doula can assist families
- Support in preparing a birth plan & be an advocate during birth
- Providing emotional support and reassurance
- Supporting partner by role modeling and encouragement
- Explaining medical procedures
- Pain relief techniques such as massage, positioning, breathing, relaxation
- Acupuncture during birth (see benefits below)
Benefits of a Continuous Doula (compiled by Penny Simkin)
A 2003 study describing the experiences of nearly 13,000 women has found that women who receive supportive care from a companion (non-hospital and non-partner) throughout labor are more likely than women without such care to avoid cesarean birth & other major medical interventions, and to be satisfied with their birth experience. These women were:
- 28% less likely to use any analgesia or anesthesia
- 41% less likely to give birth with vacuum extraction or forceps
- 26% less likely to give birth by cesarean
- 33% less likely to be dissatisfied with or negatively rate their birth experience
Acupuncture can help during labor in the following ways:
- Induce labor naturally and ease progression of labor
- Relax and open the pelvis
- Ripens/dilates the cervix
- Releases endorphins, encourages relaxation, manage labor pain
- Promotes effective uterine contractions if labor is not progressing optimally
- Turns breech/posterior babies
- Relieves a cervical lip
- Sustain a mothers energy
- Lowers high blood pressure
- Reduce the need for medical interventions
- Reduces postpartum hemorrhage
Acupuncture during pregnancy
Research has shown that acupuncture is effective at reducing pelvic pain during pregnancy, reducing morning sickness, and effectively turning a breech baby. The “pre-birth protocol” (once weekly starting at week 36) has been shown to decrease medical intervention. In women who received pre-birth acupuncture there was:
- An overall 35% reduction in the number of inductions (for women having their 1st baby there was a 43% reduction)
- A 31% reduction in the epidural rate
- 32% reduction in cesarean delivery
- 9% increase in vaginal births
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