We are in a time of uncertainty about how to best take care of our health and keep our body and immune system strong.
We hear many risk reducing suggestions, including thoroughly washing your hands, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, avoiding large crowds and staying home when feeling ill. These are very important suggestions.
In addition, there are proactive steps one can take to stay in good health! This includes incorporating Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine into your routine to strengthen your body and help reduce the likelihood of getting sick.
How does this work? Acupuncture strengthens our body’s own “life force” or “qi energy”. This vital energy protects our body from external forces (viruses) from entering. When our qi is strong, we stay healthier and feel better. It is important to have a strong foundation to withstand forces of nature and spreading illness. This is where acupuncture is most effective – keeping the foundation of our body strong and solid to reduce and prevent external pathogens and illness from spreading.
An article recently published by elotus.org, shows the collaboration between Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine being utilized in China. Specifically, this article states that “The Medical Treatment Unit of Wuhan’s Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), currently named COVID-19, Prevention and Control Headquarters issued a “Notice Regarding the Agreement to Recommend the
Use of Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Pneumonia due to Infection from the Novel Coronavirus”.
This is welcome news for Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is commonly used alongside Western Medicine in Hospitals throughout China. If you want to take a proactive approach to maintaining a strong immune system and treating symptoms related to respiratory distress, consider coming in for an acupuncture session!
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